Anticorrosive protection

It protects your systems and extends its useful life for more than 30 years, preventing corrosion from causing failures that involve costly emergency repairs. The systems against corrosion protection are mainly divided into 2, Cathodic Protection Systems and Coatings:

Protección catódica: Did you know that the lower the resistivity of the terrain, the greater its corrosive capacity?. Cathodic protection is one of the most effective means to prevent corrosion, in some cases, it completely prevents corrosive development.

Analysis of the electrochemical conditions for the application of cathodic protection, shows that this is effectively and economically beneficial when corrosion occurs under oxygen depolarization conditions with control of diffusion processing, for example, the corrosion of metals in soil, water and neutral aqueous solutions. for that reason, cathodic protection has found greater application for protecting of metallic steel underground structures , such as in cables, gas pipelines, pipelines, aqueducts, etc.

Generally, cathodic protection is divided into two application methods:

Cathodic protection by sacrificing anodes: It is carried out by electrically connecting metal structure with a metal (protector), whose corrosion potential is more negative (more anodic) than the potential of the structure, under the given conditions. by this, the protective metal plays a role of anode in the corrosion cell metal structure-protective anode, causing the necessary cathodic polarization of the metallic structure. As sacrificial anodes, cheap metals are used, such as zinc, magnesium and aluminum alloys, whose electrochemical potentials are sufficiently negative.

The function of sacrificial anode is limited to a certain distance that depends on the conductivity of the medium and electrochemical potential of the anode. A disadvantage of this electrochemical protection is the irrevocable loss of sacrificial anode and its periodic replacement. This protection is not applicable in environments with a high electrical resistance..

Cathodic protection by printed current: This method offers several advantages, compared to a method of cathodic protection with sacrificial anode, has a greater efficiency, possibility for protecting large areas of metal structures, external current and applied potential are controlled and adjust easily. The voltage of the direct current that will be applied must be of such value that it guarantees immune state for the structure.

Galvanic anode materials use steel and gray steel (soluble anodes), or stainless steels, graphite, lead alloys (insoluble anodes). It is advisable in soils that have a low resistivity and therefore make a better driving.

Cathodic protection systems are usually accompanied by coating systems that help to get better protection, since the bare metal surface exposed to the corrosive medium is minimal. .

On the other hand some types of anticorrosive coating can protect the pipe providing mechanical and chemical resistance

Protection with 100% solids polyurethane: It is one of the most innovative systems in the field of anticorrosive coatings, this procedure consists of applying a special coating with 100% solids, this term means that the coating does not contain solvents or volatile organic components. This type of coating has no risk against fire and generates a low risk for health in its application. The main advantage of this type of coatings is that they are designed to last between 30 to 50 years without having to apply more coating, they are considered as food grade.

These coatings provide exceptional long-term durability against corrosion and abrasion.