Water Treatment Plants

A water treatment plant is a system that passes through, several processes the collected water, of dam, rivers, reservoirs, etc .; in order to ensure that it is suitable for consumption and use in the daily activities of the population. Its main processes are:

Collection: Water collection

Coagulation: Separation of all the particles so that they float and can be extracted. Sedimentation: The flocculus falls to the bottom of the sedimentation tank and the water is ready for the next process.

Filtration: The water is conducted through a porous medium to remove suspended solid particles

Desinfección: En esta fase se eliminan los organismos y agentes patógenos causantes de enfermedades.

To have an optimal and efficient process in your water treatment plant is necessary to get constant maintenance in each of the processes, as well as to look for ways to work in a more efficient way. Below are some of the services we offer to maintain your plant. .

  • Implementación de sistema Dosificador Automatizado: El sistema de dosificación cuenta con lo necesario para realizar un mezclado apropiado, ya sea de la toma de polímero en polvo y/o líquido mediante la toma de una emulsión, para su preparación y distribución automática, determinando para donde será enviada la preparación de la emulsión, ya que la misma haya pasado por las etapas de maduración necesarias para su liberación (La Preparación de polímeros en el equipo lleva entre 90 a 100 minutos maduración).

  • Rehabilitation of Gutters: The sedimentation gutters aim to separate the water with the content of particles in coarse suspension, in order to avoid the production of deposits in the conduction works, protect the pumps from abrasion and avoid overloads in the subsequent treatment processes. These gutters must be maintained in optimum conditions, in order to ensure that the correct decantation of the water is carried out for its conduction to the filters (avoiding excessive backwashing and deterioration of the infrastructure).