Rehabilitation and reinforcement

It is known that the hydraulic system in Mexico has up to 60 years in operation, during this time its infrastructure has been weakened and in many cases catastrophic failures have been generated, which added to the population growth that in some cases settle in risk areas, these failures become more critical. Outside of this, having a fault in a distribution system can leave thousands of inhabitants without water for several days, or if the fault was in a drainage system, the effects can be much greater.

Due to this, many dependencies have chosen to rehabilitate, repair leaks and reinforce their pipes, tanks and other structures to avoid failures and in this way guarantee the correct operation. As mentioned above, there are cases in which the population stain has settled on pipes of large diameters that carry thousands of liters of water per second, and requiring a repair is complicated as they are built on the line, making it necessary to implement unconventional repair methods

Apply the most advanced technology to maintain all the elements of your hydraulic or hydrocarbon system ..

Significantly increase efficiency, reduce risks and save resources, selecting the repair method specially designed for your system and your priorities.

COET has the most advanced technology and the best trained and specialized team worldwide to perform work in:

  • Reinforcement with post-tensioned tendons: Through this method, it is possible to recover and even increase the structural strength of a tube, tank or structure. This method is based on the placement of a set of tendons that are high strength steel cables which are sheathed, these tendons are placed externally to the structure and are tensioned, then they are installed cathodic protection to extend life and are launches concrete with a plastic fibers which increase the strength of the concrete. These reinforced structures can have a life time even greater than that of the original system

    The advantages of the post-tensioned tendons is that when installed by the external part of a tube, it does not have to be drained or even the operation of the system has to be stopped, saving money and avoiding cutting off the supply.

  •  Reinforcement with carbon fiber: There are occasions where it is extremely complicated to replace or reinforce structures as these are buried or are too large to use other methods of reinforcement.

    Through the reinforcement with carbon fiber, it is possible to repair and strengthen concrete and steel pipes which are damaged by corrosion, this is a process used throughout the world with great success

  • The process is based on joining layers of carbon fiber and glass fiber to the inner surface of the pipe, the application of these layers leaves the internal diameter of the pipe virtually unchanged, resulting in a rapid installation process that is economic and, most importantly, completely structural. This method meets the NSF 61 standard and, when necessary, additional protective coatings are applied for aggressive chemical or environmental exposures.

  •  Leak repair: An on-site assessment of the type of leak and its surrounding conditions is carried out, in order to be able to decide in an agile manner, the most adequate repair method. These methods can be; saddles, clamps, closures, zetas. etc.


  •  Restoration of pipes to the original capacity of hydrostatic pressure

  • Increase in internal pressure capacity

  • Recovery of the original external load capacity

  • Trenchless process: avoids cutting roads and other surface structures

  •  Repair by segments, allows to repair a whole line or only segments of this

  • Installation Speed: allows emergency repairs to be completed in a minimum amount of time (48 to 72 hours)

  •  Durability: guarantees that all rehabilitation systems are designed for a minimum of 50 years of useful life, such as concrete and steel. Large-scale tests, weathering studies and field life have demonstrated the durability of fiber-based systems