
Through accurate studies, make proper decisions on the designing, construction and monitoring of your systems.

A hydraulic study helps you anticipate a latent risk in your system and gives you the ability to anticipate solutions. Avoid risks and subsequent expenses. We are experts in:

Pressure Study: Through a monitoring of transient pressures, the magnitudes and their evolution in milliseconds of the pressures or low pressures produced in a system due to a stop or start of pumping equipment, closing of a valve, etc. are known. . This study of pressures can serve to feed the hydraulic modeling and thus calibrate the model, or, generally, it is used to identify the actual operating conditions of a system and thus determine if the existing phenomena generate any risk for the system.

Pressure Study: Through a monitoring of transient pressures, the magnitudes and their evolution in milliseconds of the pressures or low pressures produced in a system due to a stop or start of pumping equipment, closing of a valve, etc. are known. This pressures study can serve to feed the hydraulic modeling and thus calibrate the model, or, generally, it is used to identify the actual operating conditions of a system and therefor determine if the existing phenomena generate any risk for the system.

Hydrological Studies: Through the collection and analysis by software of meteorological, topographic information, hydrology of the basin and terrain conditions, it allows to specify, with a low margin of error, future situations of flooding and anticipate solutions in case there is any environmental problem related to the future possibility of floods

Structural Studies:With structural studies it is possible to analyze the resistance of different materials and structures to know their current status and thus determine possible future risks or determine action plans to improve their condition. As an example in the structural studies of drinking water infrastructure, through software and specialized personnel we can determine the current conditions of prestressed concrete pipe and propose solutions for reinforcing it, making the repair have a resistance and life time superior to the original tube

Geological and geotechnical studiesThrough this study it is possible to analyze all the geological characteristics of the soil in a place where a project will be carried out, it is very important to carry out these studies in the initial stages of a project since this can guarantee or discarding technical and economic feasibility based on the composition of the soil.

Advantages of the Hydraulic Studies had allowed us to know in advance the impact of a phenomenon on conditions of our system or environment. As an example, a hydraulic modeling can analyze the hydraulic behavior of a river, providing information on water level, depth, overflow zones, which can predict the river sectors when does not have the capacity to transport the flow produced by extreme events of precipitation and runoff, and thus be able to take the corresponding measures.